The Search….(Part 2)

The Search

Sometimes all she wanted was to run away. Run away from everything that tried to hold her down or cut her wings. Run away from people who pretended to be something else. Run away from everything that was precious to her.

Sometimes, she wanted to run away from herself.

She was far more complicated than anybody could ever imagine. She always had that look about her that made people take notice of her. A mystery that was insanely attractive.

She had broken many hearts. Hurt people who had tried to bring her out of the misery that she had imposed on herself.

But all those people had tried to protect her. They had tried to change the way she thought, the way she saw the world and the way she felt. She was suffocated by the constant do’s and don’ts imposed on her.

It was not protection that she wanted.

All her life she had been looking for love. And if that love was not extraordinary, she was not interested.  She longed for love that was intense, unadulterated and raw.

Love, that gave her freedom to be herself. Love, that didn’t try to change her and just let her be herself.

She wanted somebody who would see the fire in her eyes. Somebody who would understand that love was the only thing she could give. Completely and wholeheartedly. She wanted love that was so deep that it burned your soul with its passion.

Her search was for a love that would peel her down to the bone and see that there was far more to her than what met the eye….


9 thoughts on “The Search….(Part 2)

  1. Wow! Mesmerising.
    Never expected a second part of ‘search’. While in first part ‘he was longing for something which is more than love’ in second ‘she is longing for love itself.’
    Aren’t they both are connected? Like two faces of a coin.


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